UPC-E is a zero-suppressed version of UPC-A, designed for smaller packages. It's also known as "zero compressed" UPC because it reduces a 12-digit UPC-A code into 8 digits by suppressing trailing zeros.
Basic Usage
import { barcode } from '@stacksjs/qrx'
barcode('#barcode', '01234565', { format: 'UPCE' })
[!NOTE] Image needed: Basic UPC-E barcode example
UPC-E has special compression rules:
- First digit must be 0 or 1
- Last digit is a check digit
- Middle 6 digits follow compression patterns
Compression Patterns
UPC-E compresses UPC-A codes that end in zeros. The compression patterns are:
UPC-E | Expands to (UPC-A) | Pattern |
0123400 | 012340000000 | XX000-00YYY |
0123400 | 012300000004 | XX100-00YYY |
0123400 | 012200000003 | XX200-00YYY |
0123400 | 012300000000 | XXX00-000Y |
0123400 | 012340000000 | XXXX0-0000 |
0123400 | 012345000000 | XXXXX-0005 |
0123400 | 012345600000 | XXXXX-0006 |
0123400 | 012345700000 | XXXXX-0007 |
0123400 | 012345800000 | XXXXX-0008 |
0123400 | 012345900000 | XXXXX-0009 |
Basic Encoding
import { barcode } from '@stacksjs/qrx'
// Direct UPC-E number
barcode('#barcode', '01234565', { format: 'UPCE' })
// With number system and check digit
barcode('#barcode', '01234565', { format: 'UPCE' })
Advanced Options
import { barcode } from '@stacksjs/qrx'
barcode('#barcode', '01234565', {
format: 'UPCE',
width: 2,
height: 100,
displayValue: true,
font: 'OCRB',
fontSize: 18,
textMargin: 0,
flat: false,
guardHeight: 15
Conversion Examples
import { barcode } from '@stacksjs/qrx'
// These UPC-A numbers compress to the same UPC-E
barcode('#barcode', '01200000345', { format: 'UPCE' }) // -> 01234565
barcode('#barcode', '01234500005', { format: 'UPCE' }) // -> 01234565
[!NOTE] Image needed: Conversion visualization
Add-on Support
import { barcode } from '@stacksjs/qrx'
.EAN2('12', {
height: 85,
textPosition: 'top'
[!NOTE] Image needed: UPC-E with add-on example
Error Handling
import { barcode } from '@stacksjs/qrx'
barcode('#barcode', '01234565', {
format: 'UPCE',
valid: (valid) => {
if (!valid) {
console.error('Invalid UPC-E')
// Handle invalid input
Best Practices
Validation Rules
- First digit must be 0 or 1
- Must follow compression patterns
- Check digit must be valid
- Total length must be 6 or 8 digits
Printing Guidelines
- Maintain minimum size requirements
- Ensure quiet zones
- Use OCR-B font
- Test scanner compatibility
Technical Notes
Size Specifications
- Nominal size: 22.11mm × 25.91mm
- Magnification: 80% to 200%
- Minimum bar width: 0.264mm
- Quiet zones: 7x module width
Conversion Guidelines
- Not all UPC-A codes can be compressed
- Only specific patterns are valid
- Maintain original UPC-A for reference
[!NOTE] Image needed: Technical specifications diagram
Comparison with UPC-A
// UPC-A original
barcode('#barcode', '012000003456', { format: 'UPC' })
// UPC-E compressed equivalent
barcode('#barcode', '01234565', { format: 'UPCE' })
[!NOTE] Image needed: Side-by-side comparison of UPC-A and UPC-E
Common Applications
Small Packages
- Travel-size products
- Small cosmetics
- Limited label space
Special Products
- Zero-suppressed items
- Space-constrained labels
- Small retail items
[!NOTE] Image needed: Real-world application examples